Sandpiper Energy Solutions

Heating & Air Conditioning
Toronto ON M2J 5C2
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John in Burlington
John in Burlington
1 review Burlington, ON

Hot Water Tank Rental

We have been renting the same Hot Water Tank monthly for our home since 2011. The company that we rent from has changed hands twice I believe since then. At first we received monthly statements, then that vanished approximately 6 years ago without notice, during a company change. We only noticed an automatic withdrawal from our bank account.
Recently (September 2021), we noticed we were doubled charged for that particular month. I contacted Sandpiper immediately and they seem to be perplexed. For 3 months now I have been trying to be refunded for a months worth of rental charges (it is now December and we have had 13 months worth deducted from our bank account in this calendar year. The only response I get from Customer Service is an email requesting a 5 star review which I obviously refuse to give.

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