Redford Electric

New Westminster BC V3M
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Nigel Peck  in Vancouver
Nigel Peck in Vancouver
1 review Vancouver, BC

Main Service Upgrade

We have a 1908 house which had substandard main service to the fuse box. Robert upgraded the service to the house and did a variety of extra jobs we requested, once we realized we could get all the various electrical short comings in the house sorted out.

Robert and his crew was efficient, did solid, clean work and out-performed our expectations. Additionally and more importantly, he liaised really well with city inspectors and BC Hydro crews resulting in a much cleaner access from the Hydro lines and a much more economical job.

Redford Electric was not cheap but we were absolutely confident he was doing quality work and that we got excellent value for our money. The job is now completed and we have a completed job which we had put off for years. An excellent outcome! no

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Company Response

Hi Nigel / Susan, thanks so much for the review. It was a pleasure working with you and your tennant was most accomodating. I'm glad we were able to work things out with BC Hydro and not have to Installa Private Pole... persistence pays off as they say.
Thanks Again and enjoy your Summer