Redford Electric

New Westminster BC V3M
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HomeStars  >  Electricians in Burnaby  >  Redford Electric  >  Small Indoor Lighting Project
David&Zar (Vancouver)
David&Zar (Vancouver)
1 review Vancouver, BC

Small Indoor Lighting Project

We found Redford Electrical on and with all the positive reviews, it was very obvious that we should drop them a line to get the ball rolling. AND we are so glad we did! He installed some pot-lights in the bedroom, closet and pantry. Robert was amazing to work with. He was on time and extremely professional yet friendly throughout the process. We would DEFINITELY recommend Redford Electricals for all your
electrical needs. Last but not least, shout-out to homestars for helping us all connect with professionals that truly are - Professionals!

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Company Response

Thanks for the Great review Guys!!! The Project went well and on schedule. I'd like to say we got lucky but we have been doing renovations like this and potlight installations retrofits for many years and have a few tricks up our sleeves. That being said you two were very easy to work for and that in itself made things flow well.
Cheers and enjoy the lighting.