Redford Electric

New Westminster BC V3M
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Alison from Burnaby
Alison from Burnaby
2 reviews Burnaby, BC

Electrical work to pass Inspection of Legal Basement Suite

Assisted Review

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As part of the prep work for building a legal suite in our basement, the city required us to pass an electrical inspection for work done by a previous owner without permit. Robert helped us strategize an approach on what needed to be addressed immediately to pass inspection, and what could be dealt with as part of the renovations when the ceilings were down. We appreciated Robert's responsiveness and guidance - and we passed the inspection with no problems!

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Company Response

Hi Alison and thanks for the review... Dealing with the diffeernt Municipalities throughout the Lower Mainland can be frustrating. Fortunately Redford Electric has experience and knowledge of what is required and how to deal with certain situations. We were glad to help Alison through this and anyone else that may need guidance or a quick chat/answer to BY Law questions