

Consumer Beware! This protection plan apparently does not cover damages incurred while replacing a leaking water heater. In short, sub contractors sent to fix a pressure problem days after the burst heater was replaced, damaged first the water heater then my home pipes. After creating a problem that did not exist, they tried to blame the condition of my relatively new homes copper pipes. During three separate house calls they smashed and banged the pipes until the house shook. Only after they showed me the water leak in the pipes did it occur to me that something was not right with the installers. They refused to fix the leak and took a powder as fast as they could while I was calling Reliance. This was 11PM and had to shut the water off until I could find plumbers at a cost of $400 to come and repair it. This was bad enough, but the customer service was worse. Ten emails and several phone calls later, they continue to ignore me. No returned calls, NOTHING! At first they said they would reimburse me, then repeated what the sub contractors tried to sell me. As far as Reliance is concerned, the customer can be ignored and above all, believe what the sub contractors say because the customer always wrong. After emailing me that they were going on the sub contractors word, total avoidance. They need to realize that poor service will cost them customers. If I can help with this, so be it. This is the second time the heater has burst. We called them several months before this one went.They sent someone who said it was fine. Then it flooded my basement AGAIN! Then there is the yearly rebuilding of my furnace because of the poor installation, but that's for another time. So customer be forewarned, damages caused by Reliance while doing repairs will be your responsibility. And be prepared to be avoided if you encounter problems caused beyond the performance of their equipment. It’s in the contract you will sign when renting and paying for the COMFORT PROTECTION PLAN.

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Company Response

I am so sorry for the frustration we had caused. Thank you for sharing your experience with us! -Cait