The Monitoring Center

Alarm Systems
Oakville ON L6H 5V1
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PJ - Ottawa
PJ - Ottawa
0 reviews Ottawa, ON

Activated Old Security System

I recently moved to another home which had an older (2007) alarm system installed from the previous home owner. The Monitoring Center technician was able to test, verify that all alarm points were function correctly and activated the (old) home security system. The alarm system works great and I didn’t have to buy a brand new home security system.
The technician did a great job in verifying the system and never tried to upsell me on purchasing a new home security system. The TMC service group also sent me a copy of the User Guide for my old (2007) alarm system as I didn’t have a copy.
Great customer service and a super deal for Home Security Monitoring service at only $9.99 monthly!

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