The Monitoring Center

Alarm Systems
Oakville ON L6H 5V1
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HomeStars  >  Alarm Systems in Campbellville  >  The Monitoring Center  >  Same service at 1/4 the cost
Al Barr in Clarence-Rockland
Al Barr in Clarence-Rockland
0 reviews Clarence Rockland, ON

Same service at 1/4 the cost

My alarm company raised its rate yet again. I looked on the internet and found The Monitoring center and their reasonable rates for the same service.
Called and set up the changeover, it could not have been easier. The technician arrived within the 2hr window and 1hr later was on the way. He reviewed my mom's medical alarm with her and set the ambulance as the responder.

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Company Response

Thank you Al ... we look forward to servicing you and your families security needs!