I sent this letter to the company email address on its website. The email address is not in service:
"Dear sir/madam:
This is to voice our disappointment with the work you have performed at our home recently (August 22, 2019).
Your company has a "Work guaranteed for five years" printed on the invoice but only after 2 weeks of the service, there are grass and weeds sprouting in various places. We've called several times to report the problem and offer to clean and re-apply the sand by ourselves if you would drop a bag of Polymeric Sand at the front yard for us. Whoever answers the phone has promised to come and have a look but nobody ever showed up.
As you can see from the photos attached, it would not be a good business promotion for your company when our neighbors can see your work every day while walking past our home.
I will not trust and recommend your company - Aplus Interlocking & Masonry - to anyone in our circle of family and friends.
Anne & Tuan Tran