Octopus Royal

Appliance Repair
Toronto ON M3H 3V7
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HomeStars  >  Appliance Repair in Woodbridge  >  Octopus Royal  >  Re-Install Dishwasher
Stuart & Cherie in North Toronto
Stuart & Cherie in North Toronto
15 reviews Toronto, ON

Re-Install Dishwasher

We purchased a dishwasher about eighteen months ago. We have had problems with both the original installation and a reinstall when we changed the kitchen counter.

We then contacted Ofer who had previously repaired a refrigerator and washing machine for us, both well and quickly. He pulled out the dishwasher, figured out a problem with the rear foot, fixed the front upper brackets and leveled the machine. The machine is now working well.

In a field that seems to be crowded with incompetents, Ofer is highly knowledgeable about appliances, explains clearly what he is doing and works quickly and efficiently. He couldnt be better at his job and will be our first-call for future appliance problems.

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