Leveled Ground Inc.

Snow Removal
Toronto ON M4K 1K7
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HomeStars  >  Interlocking Stone in Toronto  >  Leveled Ground Inc.   >  Patio stone replacement at Carrot Common
Carrot Common in Toronto
Carrot Common in Toronto
3 reviews Toronto, ON

Patio stone replacement at Carrot Common

Leveled ground replaced 375 sq.ft. of patio stone on the Jackman Street side of Carrot Common. Over the years the original stone had heaved with the winter thawing and freezing causing water to pool. Adam Sidenberg, the owner of Leveled Ground is knowledgeable and prepared a quote and schedule for the work to be completed. His team know their business and were able to complete the work on schedule in 3 days. It was important for us that team knew how to work around the tenants and that they did a good job of cleaning up before departing.

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Company Response

Thank you for your kind words. It was a pleasure working for the Carrot Commons.