Leveled Ground Inc.

Snow Removal
Toronto ON M4K 1K7
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HomeStars  >  Concrete Contractors in Toronto  >  Leveled Ground Inc.   >  Walkway Professionally Repaired
Celia Cohen in North york
Celia Cohen in North york
14 reviews Toronto, ON

Walkway Professionally Repaired

My interlocking caved in over the winter making the front walk look terrible. It also caused the first step to be higher than normal. I called Adam from Leveled Ground - and he gave me a very fair estimate for the repairs. The crew arrived on time and were very courteous, efficient and did a professional job. Within two days my walkway was as good as new and I could walk up the steps easily. They made sure the job was completely done to my satisfaction before they left. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Adam and Leveled Ground for any interlocking repairs.

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Company Response

Thank you so much for your recommendation and kind words Celia! It was a pleasure working for you.