Halton Exteriors

Gutters & Eavestroughs
Oakville ON L6K
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1 review Burlington, ON

Eaves trough and down spouts

The efficiency ,workmanship, and teamwork I experienced with Halton Exterior cannot surpassed in my estimation.From the moment I made my initial contact with Frank and his crew I was made well aware of how the work would to be done .My desires and opinions were important to them ;;all of which were honoured and completed to perfection.
I feel I made a outstanding choice in selecting Halton Exteriors as my installers. Thank you for allowing me to offer my heart felt thanks.

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Company Response

Well, thanks for the review Peggy. I'm glad to hear you are happy with the work and am pleased Sean was able to reconfigure the downpipes to suit your needs. It was a pleasure working for you and meeting you at the Home Show.