Beaver Paving Ltd

Concrete Contractors
Toronto ON M2M 3W2
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HomeStars  >  Paving Contractors in Aurora  >  Beaver Paving Ltd  >  Driveway and walkway renovation
Hisao in Mississauga
Hisao in Mississauga
3 reviews Mississauga, ON

Driveway and walkway renovation

We planned to renovate the driveway and walkway, but did not have the clear idea on what to do. Fred gave us an idea which resulted in the best choice to us. Their crew did excellent job with high work ethics and professionalism.
I would highly recommend Beaver to others.

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Company Response

We are glad to hear that you are happy with not only our workmanship, but also our ideas that we put forth into completing your driveway and walkway. It was a pleasure working with you. Enjoy -FRED