Moon Star Celtikoglu Landscaping

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Landscape Contractors & Designers
Moon Star Celtikoglu Landscaping
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Review for Moon Star Celtikoglu Landscaping

Average customer rating:
10 10 (1 reviews)

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Frank in Maple
Frank in Maple
14 reviews ,

First Review


Interlocking, landscaping and patio interlocking stone

I had a few quotes, some higher and some lower, but looked at the work that MoonStar had completed over the last few years and liked what I saw.

It's the little things - the way the edges are cut to fit in perfectly (I watched as they built the patio - there were places where they could have cut corners, put a smaller stone instead of cutting a bigger stone, but the smaller stone would not have exactly matched the pattern. So, instead, they cut the bigger stone, and it looked like it belonged there.) The team also works incredibly hard - they finished the job in record time (they work like machines, from one step smoothly to the next), even though they went through the extra effort of cleaning after themselves every night (they tidied up the stone piles, hosed down the driveway, cleaned the road from any mud - my neighbours had nothing to complain about)

I had to leave town before the job was done. I paid in full and left. Came back and everything was perfect - I walked around the house again and again looking for the mistakes, the cut corners - nothing. It was as if they were working on their own house.

I now notice that a lot of my neighbourhood has "MoonStar" signs up. Guess quality shows...

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