A1 Pooper Scooper

Junk Removal
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Junk Removal
A1 Pooper Scooper
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Reviews for A1 Pooper Scooper

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10 10 (3 reviews)

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5 reviews Calgary, AB

Pooper Scooping Service

Yes. There apparently is indeed a service in Calgary that picks up dog poop. Sometimes it's hard for us because my wife is pregnant and I'm away at work, so it's nice to have someone come in and make sure our yard is clean. It's a unique service, and we've been very happy with A1 thus far.

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Ken from Calgary
Ken from Calgary
3 reviews Calgary, AB

Scooping Poop

We love A-! Pooper Scooper. We are both working and have 3 small children and one dog. Our kids love to play in the backyard and we always felt the dog poop was stopping them. By the time we got home from work it would be dark and we couldn't scoop. We have A-1 come in weekly and are so happy with the service. Cheers

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Sarah Christensen in Calgary
Sarah Christensen in Calgary
2 reviews Calgary, AB

First Review


Dog poo pick up

We hired this company to pick up the dog poo in our backyard. It was the best thing we ever did, 14.00 a week and they come in once a week and clean it all up. They charge you per dog and come no matter what. They even came Christmas day. Great company and very good with our dogs.

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