Home Depot Installation Services

Formerly Home Depot Installation Services Operated By Peak Installations
Calgary AB T2Y 3M9
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RE in Mississauga
RE in Mississauga
1 review Mississauga, ON

window install by HD

The sales person came on time for the apt and provided all details. In less than the time expected the windows were avaliable and a install date was set up. The installer came to the home, explained what he would do/ covered areas to prevent any dirt and started the job.

It was completed in about 3 hours then he set to cleaning the entire site in and out.

In the end I was impressed with the work done and would recomend HD installations to anyone.

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Company Response

Reviews like yours is what drives our motto for superior customer service and install support! Thank you so much, RE. We will pass on your kind words to our installer. We hope to see you again for your home improvement needs!