Pretty Handy Guy

Handyman Services
Mississauga ON L5L 2M2
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Private User
Private User reviews Mississauga, ON

power washing our deck in order to strip to bare wood

This worker was very polite and friendly and on time. However, we were under the impression that power washing would strip our deck to bare wood. (I have done a successful wood stripping job myself with a pressure washer in the past.) Our deck is very clean now but absolutely not stripped.
We have totally waisted money on this project.

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Company Response

Thank you for your review. I'm sorry you were not happy with the results. In my defence as I explained to you yesterday in person, stripping the current stain down to the wood was never discussed or communicated. I supplied my estimate based on your wife's initial details of which she never discussed stripping the stain to the bare wood.
Here is the actual communication from her contact:

"1. I would like the price of pressure washing my wooden deck and 4 stairs (2 on each side).
2. Also a price for pressure washing the deck and 4 stairs plus the wooden fence around the deck edge."

Again no mention of stripping the stain. I completed the work as agreed on the date and time I said I would. If the goal was to strip the stain completely off the deck down to bare wood, that should have been communicated and I would have quoted accordingly. But as you can see from the contact above, unfortunately it was not.