Burl Oak Landscaping

Swimming Pools, Spas & Hot Tubs
Burlington ON L7R 4J4
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HomeStars  >  Paving Contractors in Oakville  >  Burl Oak Landscaping  >  Back Patio, Side, and Driveway
Andrew Tench from Oakville
Andrew Tench from Oakville
2 reviews Oakville, ON

Back Patio, Side, and Driveway

We had our back patio, side walkway and driveway done by Lou'ay and Ziad's team. They were able to complete the project within their timeline and within the agreed costs. Some minor details were forgotten but corrected promptly and in a professional manner. Their team is courteous and polite and respected our property. At our request Ziad agreed to come back to add a step to our side after deciding the slope was a bit too steep. Overall, a very well done and beautiful project that we are continuing to love today. We would recommend Lou'ay and Ziad to everybody.

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Company Response

Thank you Andrew for the wonderful experience we had at your home. I hope you enjoy the patio for many years to come.