I guess all builders are the same. It doesn't matter that Domicile has a good reputation. Once the company gets so big... customer service is no longer a priority. My opinion about this builder is also shared by my neighbours. You can check out Tarion's site on the recent reports about this builder.
During the initial inspection, make sure you take notes and the rep takes the same notes too. More importantly, review the two sets before you sign the paperwork. I had the unfortunate experience, being a first time home buyer, to not know what to expect. The rep who did the walk around literally licked his fingers, rubbed certain spots where I had pointed out issue and said it's just dirt. It was not. When we pointed out a light being out, he said he had just changed it. He did very kindly leave us a light bulb so we can change the light up on our 9 ft ceiling on our move in day. The worst part is that I hadn't realize his notes were simple one or two words (I thought they were quick notes and that he would actually write out a list). His own work man and office couldn't tell what the shortcomings were and nothing was done when we moved in. The after-sales rep simply told us to put it in our 30-day inspection form. What was the point of the pre-inspection then. Another frustrating issue is that the 30-day issues are still outstanding and I am months away from the one-year warranty form. All builders are the same it seems. My friends who bought from another builder is also going through similar issues where there are outstanding problems in the 30-day form not addressed.