All Weather at Home Installation Services, a division of All Weather Windows Ltd.

Windows & Doors Installation & Service
Edmonton AB T5S 2K7
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Anna in Prince George
Anna in Prince George
1 review Edmonton, AB

AVOID All Weather Windows at all costs

Placed a $13,000 order of windows from All Weather Windows and I won't be doing that again. There is a great lack of communication from management and overall TERRIBLY POOR customer service. If you need your windows on time for a renovation or project, All Weather Windows cannot be depended upon. Maybe you have to pay $100,000++ to be treated properly??

All Weather Windows recently replaced twelve windows for me in one of the rental properties that I property manage (six windows in each of my main floor suites of this property). I wanted to take some time to provide feedback on my experience.

To start I was in contact with Renovation Sales Consultant Peter. He was knowledgeable and responded to me quickly and efficiently. I made it clear to him that I needed six of these windows urgently. I am aware he couldn't guarantee anything, but he did say he put a rush order on those windows specifically. This was very important to me because this suite had scheduled renovations to occur starting May 2, 2022. These renovations could not take place until after the windows were installed.

Peter did not put me in contact with the department who would be handling my delivery and installation. One morning while I was at work I missed a phone call. When I had a chance to check my voicemail I discovered that delivery of six windows was taking place that day. Not only that - the delivery person said he would be at the duplex in half an hour. I was given absolutely zero notice or heads up regarding this delivery. Thankfully my tenants were home and able to accommodate the delivery, but it came as a surprise to them as well which is a great inconvenience. As a landlord you need to give your tenants adequate notice for repairs and maintenance; and All Weather Windows totally disregarded this fact.

Furthermore, I made it very clear when I placed the order that I needed one side of the duplex windows urgently, and it didn't matter when I got the windows on the other side. As mentioned previously, renovations occurring on one side are halted until we get the windows installed. This surprise delivery delivered to us the one side of the duplex windows that were NOT urgent.

Of course I was thankful that some of the windows had arrived, as it was earlier than anticipated in the original timeline. That being said there are large issues with communication at All Weather Windows. You never know - your product might just randomly show up at your doorstep! Mitch, a Customer Service Professional reached out to me to apologize for this, which I appreciate. However when I inquired as to why the windows I needed urgently weren't delivered first, he had no response for me. Nor did he proceed to look into it further or communicate to me a timeline on those other windows without my inquiring further.

The other set of windows arrived on April 26 and were set to be installed on April 29. I was thrilled about this, because despite other hiccups previously, the windows were set to be done by my deadline of May 2, 2022. However, I started to suspect something was wrong when I had not received contact with the installer on the morning of April 29. I had saved his number from the prior installation on my other suite (yet another piece of information NOT provided to me by All Weather Windows) and so I gave him a call. It was then that he made me aware that he was sick and couldn't complete the job. He said he left me a voicemail the day before but when I inquired as to the number, it was not the correct phone number. He said he simply used the phone number provided to him on the sales invoice. Here was ANOTHER mistake by Peter of the Sales team.

The installer did go to the duplex and talk to my tenants about the change in schedule. He had arranged with them that he would come a day later on April 30 to do the installation. While I appreciated that the installer did find a solution, he had no business talking to my tenants regarding a sale that was between me and All Weather Windows. I am the landlord who makes my tenants aware of changes in maintenance schedule, not All Weather Windows. Contacting them directly is not only a breach of their privacy, it is a huge inconvenience for them. Dealing with disgruntled tenants due to the incompetence of All Weather Windows was not how I expected this process to go.

In my opinion there were many other ways to remedy this issue so that I didn't have to deal with it on the day of installation. The installer could have reached out to both Mitch (Customer Service) and Peter (Sales) to find my correct contact information and ensure I was made aware of this change. We had been emailing back and forth quite a bit and I could've been easily reached that way.

After this contact with the installer, I reached out to Mitch to update my contact information and make sure that everyone had the right phone number so that no further errors occur. I explained the situation and delay in installation, and he had no knowledge of the change. This left me wondering - is there absolutely NO contact between various departments of All Weather Windows at all? Mitch did apologize for the delay and mix up of information, but the conversation still left me very frustrated.

To further this frustration, six hours after my conversation with Mitch, I received a voicemail - this time from Dianne, Customer Service Supervisor. She informed me that due to his sick call, the installer will not be coming on April 30. I tried to call her back but no response. She said in her voicemail that "she doesn't have the scheduling in front of her" so she can't give me another installation time. Seriously? You guys mess up this bad and can't even bother to accommodate me with another installation date? She assured me that she would "make sure that Mitch calls me back on Monday to reschedule".

All day Monday there was no call back from Mitch or Dianne. I had to follow up with him on Tuesday and he didn't have a finalized installation date for me until Wednesday (May 4). The windows are finally installed today. This is not due to a material issue - which Peter assured me was the only thing delaying installation - the windows have been sitting outside on my property since April 26. This, in turn, caused another problem - the windows were not covered from the elements and it resulted in them becoming extremely dusty and dirty. The installers did not bother to clean them before installation, instead just did a quick clean once they were installed (only after I insisted upon it). Had no one been there to check the windows, who knows if they even would've been cleaned?

While I realize that timelines are not guaranteed for window installation - this whole process would've been made easier had each department of this company kept in better communication. Both with each other and with their customers. I'm really hoping this can be rectified in the future but based on my experience I highly doubt it.

This entire process has been an absolute gong show and the customer service was severely limited to entirely non-existent. I definitely expected to be treated better after placing a $13,000 order. There was no effort to correct the mistakes made with any level of urgency. It has resulted in the renovations on my property being delayed two weeks.

I own a property management company and was hoping to be able to use All Weather Windows for a few of my other properties if all went well on this duplex. Unfortunately as you can see this is far from the case. I am sad to say that I will not hesitate to share my experience with the rest of my team and various contacts in the area. DO NOT USE ALL WEATHER WINDOWS. BOTTOM LINE.

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Company Response

Dear Anna, thank you for your feedback. We understand that you have been in contact with our team about this matter and we will forward to our Regional Manager as well. Thank you again for taking the time to reach out. Best, Fay