Great Canadian Roofing And Siding Ltd

Edmonton AB T6E 0C9
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Terri in Edmonton
Terri in Edmonton
2 reviews Edmonton, AB

clearing ice dam off roof

We were recommended this company by our insurance people; we had a major ice dam on our roof and had leaks coming in through the ceiling. The company came and told us it would be a five hour job, costing around $1000. The one guy who came did in to do the job, said he'd do it for $800 when we queried the cost and then did it in under three hours (and took lots of breaks). He then tried to charge us $800 for three hours work (if that). We've called the company a number of times to dispute the fee since we only want to pay for the work done (they never called us back. In the end we compromised and paid $675. We found out after that other companies charge far less, between $300 and $400. I wouldn't recommend this company to anybody.

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