Action Furnace Inc

Heating & Air Conditioning
Calgary AB T2G 4P7
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2 reviews Calgary, AB

New furnace + water tank/heater

Purchased a new furnace last year and the installation went very well. Good communication with the salesman, great experience with the technician, very quick and easy process. My old furnace was removed within 20-30 minutes of arrival and the entire installation was done in an afternoon. A few months later, we had the water heater replaced and the experience was very much the same. It's been about a little over a year and I'm reviewing the experience, company and products; the membership is probably worth it if you have pets but I probably not needed if your HVAC system is kept clean without pet hair and if you change your furnace filter often. Other than that, I recommend them as they are quite efficient and honest in my experience. So far so good... A+

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