Dr Green Lawn Care Services

Lawn Maintenance
Calgary AB T1Y 4W5
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2 reviews Calgary, AB

lawn care

Assisted Review

An assisted review is collected by a contractor on behalf of the homeowner after their work is completed. The homeowner must confirm the text of the review and may make any changes she or he deems appropriate. The homeowner then assigns the contractor a review score out of 10. Assisted reviews receive the same scrutiny as other reviews and must follow our review guidelines.

The lawn care truck arrived this morning - prompt, courteous and careful of the gate. Respecting pet security is important to me! They did a good and quick job of the power raking. I look forward to a nice green lawn in a few weeks, thanks to the excellent fertilizer schedule. Thank you so much!

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Company Response

Hi Joan,
Thank you for your review. We are pleased to hear that we were able to help you and your lawn in a prompt and courteous manner. We look forward to seeing you again soon.