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HomeStars  >  Electricians in Toronto  >  AtlasCare  >  Triangle Tube - Solo Prestige 110 Boiler, stopped working error message E28. (no signal from blower)
Michael W C in Brampton
Michael W C in Brampton
1 review Brampton, ON

Triangle Tube - Solo Prestige 110 Boiler, stopped working error message E28. (no signal from blower)

Our boiler conked out on one of the coldest days in winter. The Atlas technician (Nimo) arrived the evening of the call, reset the plug wire to the blower that may have come loose on the previous service call (4 months prior, different service company). I was pleased that there was no major problems with the Triangle Tube, Solo Prestige 110 boiler and overall it works great and is very efficient.

I have to say I appreciate that Atlas showed up (very cold day, lots of calls) and that they were able to service the unit and have it up and running so quickly, ensuring that it cycled on properly at the end. He explained what the problem was, explained their 90 day warranty and was very polite and helpful.

Thanks guys.
Brampton, ON

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