
Heating & Air Conditioning
Oakville ON L6H 5V9
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HomeStars  >  Duct Cleaning in Toronto  >  AtlasCare  >  Furnace cleaning
Rita Dagenais in Toronto
Rita Dagenais in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Furnace cleaning

I recently purchased a house and decided to have the furnace cleaned and tuned up. I had used Atlascare in my other home and was very satisfied. The representative turned up on time, indicating the work would take 45 min. It ended up taking him over 2 hours to clean what he said was the dirtiest furnace he had ever seen. He put in the extra elbow grease, thoroughly cleaned the furnace and provided me with advice for no extra charge (which was reasonable in the 1st place). Very professional, courteous service. Top grade.

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