Arrow Furniture

Toronto ON M9M 2L4
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1 review Mississauga, ON

buying a sofa

It was a long search since found the sofa we have been looking for. Edwardo explained the materials (being used), delivery time and fortunately the item was on sale and we had a good deal.
But it is not all about the deal, the service (we requested delayed the delivery), friendly attitude make the difference. In future, I will definitely go back for my furniture.

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Company Response

Thanks Zahed! You are so correct in your comments. Sure, it's great to get a good deal and there will always be someone cheaper but service and attitude are intangibles that you can't ignore. We are so happy that Ed at our Mississauga location was able to be of such help! Thank you so much for your business and we look forward to seeing you again soon! Jason M. - Sales Manager