Arrow Furniture

Toronto ON M9M 2L4
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HomeStars  >  Paint & Wallpaper Contractors in Toronto  >  Arrow Furniture  >  Furnished my entire home,designed and coordinated. A superb job. So very happy.
shelli in Toronto
shelli in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

Furnished my entire home,designed and coordinated. A superb job. So very happy.

Couldn’t be happier. From start to finish, everything went so smoothly and perfectly. 2000 sq ft home from top to bottom. Every room done to perfection. From design staff to delivery.

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Company Response

Thanks Shelli! We are thrilled that your experience at Arrow met all of your expectations! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your home and we will make sure that our staff knows how happy you feel. Enjoy your new furniture! Jason M. -Sales Manager