

ASINA CABINETRY LTD. I am an elderly widow living alone in my condominium. After 21 years, during which I spend much time in my kitchen cooking for family and friends, I began to realise my kitchen could do with a “new look”. My family, although encouraging, gave much advice concerning which large firms I should be consulting, and how many quotes I should obtain, prior to selecting the best and most reliable firm to do the job. My friends assured me it would only cause terrible aggravation. Many firms are unreliable, they said. Several told me stories of their own awful experiences-jobs not completed on time, or not at all, and shoddy work done. I was introduced to Jenny, who heads the Asina Cabinetry Company, who is a highly competent but also a most approachable person. I was given the opportunity to see other work this firm had completed in my building. Impressed with their extremely business-like approach, I took no notice of family advice, and selected Asina forthwith! Without delay, an excellent plan for my new kitchen was produced. We drew up our contract, and work began exactly on schedule. The total remodelling of my kitchen was completed in 14 days. It is magnificent!! The kitchen is not only most attractive, but incredibly practically designed and a joy to work in now! A friend who is knowledgeable about construction assures me the workmanship is perfect. I have only one word of advice for anyone wishing to use Asina. Do insist that the senior staff supervise the daily work, as they will ensure the care of the rest of your home, which I found to be very necessary. Robyn E. Lewis.

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Company Response

Hi Dear Robyn,

Thank you for your comment, we appreciate for your time and effort to wrote the review.
Wish you enjoy your new cabinets and kitchen, and have a happy life.

Yours Sincerely,
Asina cabinetry LTD