

He was rude, disrespectful, unprofessional, and his work is far from great. He had someone install a chipped back splash and pretended to not know about it. When they came back to fix it he applied a filler and took off. When I saw it after it was yellow. I spoke with the owner and his response was you shouldn't of paid for chipped quartz (He forced us to pay him for it was installed). He then responded with well you paid in full and I'm done with you. He then said it's my company and whatever I say goes. He left paint splatters on the hardwood floors, he has unfinished work that was paid for. His caulking in the bathroom vanities needs to be redone. We need another layer of paint in my kitchen. He refused to clean a mess that was cause by himself and his workers. When asked if he would leave a job not cleaned he responded with we don't clean after a job. We had glue stuck on our floor, and dishwasher. He tried to clean the glue of the dishwasher with nail polish and he wrecked the coding of the dishwasher. He damaged my stove as well. When confronted about his lack of work he would get defensive and have a mood swing. He would keep on mentioning that he didn't make much money off the project and making sound like it my fault. He gave me a contract and I paid it. He even over charged me that he refuses to give back. BTW most of the conversations was through text messages to I have proof of his insults and the fact that I asked him to fix his work and re refuses to do it. I can really go on and on I would never recommend him to anyone. If he doesn't get his way he'll insult you, he's unpredictable and we weren't sure which person we're getting. In response to your comment You threatened me when I posted this review. I asked you if you read the heading and you said no. During that call you also said you'll send me new invoices saying a different price and I can't do anything about it. I have all the proof of what you said and done. I have the original contract with the accurate amount. You pained the walls and you never put anything on the floors when you painted. You said that you're a pro and don't need to tape and put sheets down on the floor. So what you're saying is that the only way to get paint on the hardwood floors is if the person paints the ceiling? Hahahaha take ownership of your work. I also have text messages from you saying its paid in full. Would you like me to post screenshots of the text messages of everything of you insulting me, thanking me for the last payment, and every other conversation we had of your unprofessionalizm on here?? Stop looking me up online because I get the notifications. Keep on blaming everyone else but yourself. P.S I don't have a lien on my property and my HVAC was all paid in full nearly 8 years ago. I have never had a conversation with you regarding my HVAC (BTW Didn't the police officer tell you to keep conversations strictly business and you want to talk about a lien that never existed). You were the one disclosing personal information about your past that I won't mention here. Stop trying to deflecting what's really going on then making up a story about me. I'm sick and tired of this game that you're playing.

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Really Jack because we didn't give you your Aria vents for free and you didn't want to pay your outstanding plumbing bill ? If you were so unhappy why did you pay in full and ask for more work done ??? And countertop guy went back and fix a chip that you noticed 3 weeks after install . You have called us from 7am to 9pm all day everyday and we have always responded. And no one used glue on your home you wanted to scam us first a free dishwasher . You should post the pictures of your before and after don't be shy Jack . Job was completed a month ago now all of a sudden there's problems . And paint on hardwood? you painted your own ceilings we only painted your walls and there was drop sheets used . You are a scam artist that's why the hvac company has a lien on your home and soon a second one from us will be put on your home if you don't pay your balance! It's funny you have no good reviews so you are the problem not your contractors !!!


This is one of the worst experiences I have ever had. The owner is absolutely unwilling to fix the mistakes of his workers and himself. Firstly, I sat down with David to initially discuss the type of carpet I wanted to install. He assured me that the carpet we chose was both durable and would withstand foot traffic, pets etc. After this initial meeting we paid him and we later called him to set up a time to install the carpet as the particular type of carpet was out of stock. At this time we were not given an invoice. The carpet was installed by two men, with one man doing most of the work. This man told us that the carpet was very fragile and that if we want to move furniture etc. we needed to pick it up before moving it as the carpet would pull. We also noticed that many of the seams in the doorways were extremely evident which indicated that the installation was faulty. We then proceeded to contact David to voice our concerns and once again asked him for a copy of the invoice and to come and take a look at the carpet. He refused to provide the invoice but did look at the carpet. He came over with some tools and said that the carpet was very fragile and would need special care. These words were not uttered prior to the installation or during our meeting with him when we originally decided on the carpet. Fast forward approx. 6 months and we have at least 100 pulls in the carpet. We contacted David to ask for his assistance in rectifying this matter whereby he told us that there was nothing he could do and that we needed to contact the manufacturer. During this conversation I again asked for the invoice. He insisted that I had the invoice and refused to provide it. After I sent several emails begging for the invoice he finally provided it. The manufacturer looked at the carpet shortly after and later provided me with a letter stating that there were no defects with the carpet instead explained the existence of a large amount of pulls on vacuuming, walking with rough feet, pets, walking on the carpet with shoes or heels etc. all of which indicated how cheap and fragile this carpet really is which again was not mentioned when we initially agreed upon this type of carpet prior to installation. David still refuses to provide any sort of customer service to repair or replace this carpet even though he knows we were taken advantage of and agreed to install this carpet under false pretenses. This type of attitude and behavior is deplorable and this man should not be in business if he has absolutely no consideration or willingness to back his product and services with appropriate attention and customer care. BUYER BEWARE!! *The pictures include a cracked baseboard as a result of the carpet installation and scratches to our oak stair case.

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