I'm committed to doing the best I can in an urban environment to avoid excessive resource use. I have been a Dupont client for more years than I care to share, but I contacted them recently proposing a change to a tankless, gas-powered water heater. They did a great job of explaining my options, offering two manufacturers' solutions, organizing the process, and operating the install with a high degree of sensitivity to minimizing upset. I chose the higher-end manufacturer, Rinnai, because all parts are replaceable, and because of their many years of good reputation. The removal of the old water heater was handled impeccably. I am already observing the reduction in electric power and of course in billing, and the new gas charges still keep me in a net win position. The overall payback will take a few years, but it was the right thing to do! Well done, Dupont, and well done, me! A win-win!