

I contracted with Sem's movers for labor help in unloading a truck on June 19, 2016. I received a confirmation on June 2, 2016 (Confirmation #F1589083) with the contingency of a $100 dollar deposit, which I also paid on June 2, 2016. They confirmed receipt of the deposit on June 3, 2016. The Friday before the move (June 17, 2016 at 215 pm) they sent an email to confirm the moving time. At this point I was in the midst of moving my things from the US to Canada and did not see the email. 30 minutes later, at 245 pm on June 17, 2016 they sent another email saying they wanted to move my time to the afternoon on that Sunday June 19, 2016. At this point I'd already made arrangements for truck return as well as flights that could not be changed. I did not see their email until late June 18, 2016 when I arrived in Canada. I tried to call them but received no answer. The morning of, again no answer. I was not sure if they would show up. They ended up showing up 1145 am on Sunday June 19, 2016, almost 2 hours later than scheduled with my deposit. Because of this and the already purchased flights, I had to make an additional trip to Niagara Falls to return to the truck that I would not have otherwise had to make if they had shown up on time. To make matters worse, they would not return my phone calls or emails to discuss the matter.

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Company Response

Part 1: On Jun 02, Sem's Moving Agent emailed a booking confirmation to this customer with requested date and time, as well as contact details. The phone number was listed as the only contact tel number. Customer confirmed by returned email and did not rectify anything, did not change anything. Part 1 is very important because Sem's Moving agent used the above tel phone to contact customer with any changes/updates/confirmations regarding customer's moving/job date.
PART 2: on Jun 17th, at 3:16pm (Toronto time), Sem's agent requested a final confirmation from customer via email (see file 2). Same day, Jun 17th, afternoon, sem's agent attempted several times both via tel and email to contact customer (see file 1, file 3, file 4) with no answer/reply/reaction from customer. On Jun 18th, we attempted one more call and email
however unsuccessfully. PART 3: without any return confirmation/update from customer, on Jun 18th, 2:48pm (Toronto time), Sem's agent emailed final confirmation for job being rescheduled for early afternoon the following day (job date: jun 19th). IMPORTANT: thus, the job was rescheduled from 10am to 12pm (2 hrs difference). PART 4: On the move/job date, Sunday, Jun 19th, our movers showed up at 11:45am (earlier than we expected). Movers successfully completed the job by offloading customer's truck in 2 only 2 hours. Customer paid the bill in full.
PART 5: in light of all of the above, we consider and deem all Sem's Moving efforts and attempts as sufficient, with enough notice, and action in good faith towards accommodating customer's job/move. The security deposit of $100 was deducted from the final invoice which applied towards moving services completed and delivered. Customer David Sacru acknowledged and signed off that services were delivered as requested. Customer's additional expenses related to truck rental (on his own from an independent company) cannot be imputed to Sem's Moving services, but rather to customer's own organization, scheduling and agreements with thirdparty/subcontractors/other companies.