

I despise writing bad reviews but I cannot believe the horrible experience we had with Tony. When trying to book him, he wouldn't give me an answer on when he was coming until the night before he decided he could show up. Then he quoted me $15 to drill holes for our fence post. When he arrived he complained about drilling one side of our yard because it "looks hard". After drilling 23 of the 40 holes we needed dug, he decides to charge us $45 a hole instead because it is taking longer than usual due to our terrain. Unfortunately for him, he didn't take the necessary steps in providing a proper quote and therefore threw a hissy fit after he was told we would pay what we were quoted ($15) and not triple that. He then threatened to fill our holes back in, which, in hindsight we should have let him do because the holes he had dug were AWFUL. They weren't straight, they weren't all the proper depth and they weren't in line with the post holes adjacent to them. As aforementioned, I don't like to be a disparager and slander anyone's work but I wish there had been a review like this to warn me about Tony and Done Well Post Holes so I could've avoided the stress and blisters from having to pay $345 and then having to re-dig the holes he dug. Not to mention the holes that we still need dug as we weren't planning on having half a fence. If you want your job done right and completed, AVOID THIS COMPANY.

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Company Response

In response to your review, I would like to clarify a couple of issues mention. When you called to book an appointment, I responded with a date of Wednesday or Thursday and that I will text you the night before to let you know which day work. There was no issue with that agreement.
Upon arrival at your address there was a large farm tractor on site. After talking to you as to why it was there, you told me that there were a lot of large trees on your property and it took a long time for you to remove them. After working on the site with so many tree roots and large rocks, each hole was taking three times as long to complete. I realized that due to these variables, I could not continue working at the rate per hole as quoted. I spoke to you in regards to the rocks and tree roots on your property and that I can not continue to drill at the rate quoted per hole.

During the conversation I stated that for me to continue your job there would have to be an extra charge per hole. Your comment was, its 15.00 a hole and that is all I am willing to pay. In my opinion after hearing those comments, it was clear you did not want to work with me in getting the job done. I though it was fair that I gave you the option to pay for what holes in your opinion were good and to your satisfaction or I would fill in the holes that I already had drilled.

You took time to go look at the holes and you counted. Out of 23 holes I drill, you paid for 23 that's was to your satisfaction.

In response to your comment, that you wish there was a review to warn you prior to booking the job. The reason for not seeing a review such as yours mention, your job is the only post holes job I never completed due to difficult terrain. Seeing that your my first unsatisfied customer. I just wanted to clarify the reason why your job did not get completed.