

I will just copy and paste the email we sent to them (that they didn't respond to). That will tell you everything you need to know about them. Scott & Andrew, We are writing you this email as it seems you have decided to cease work on our basement job without providing the services for which you have been paid. You have received full payment for completion of the drywall and the drywall portion is not complete. As such, we are requesting 50% reimbursement of what we've already paid you for the drywall work. We feel we've been more than fair in our dealings with you; especially given the fact that you committed to a June 5 completion date and today is June 24 and the DRYWALL is not even complete, let alone the entire project. You began work in April. It amazes us that you actually consider yourselves contractors (who apparently "completed 6 basements in the last 2 years") when it's clear you don't know the first thing about finishing basements. From the crooked walls, bulkheads and door openings your "workmanship" has been a joke. Not to mention the fact that you "were not comfortable" re-routing simple pipes, creating square pillars, putting down tile in the bathroom and hanging doors. What exactly DO you know how to do? To make matters worse, we also lost complete respect for you as individuals as you boldly made up stories on a number of occasions with regards to your whereabouts. First it was church, then an oral emergency and then food poisoning. We both know that you were at other jobs when you didn't show up at our home. If you were even slightly business savvy you would realize that over-booking yourselves and disappointing your clients in the process is extremely short-sighted. We hope your complete disregard for quality and customer satisfaction is worth the money you’ve “earned”.

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