

Biggest mistake of my life buying from this store ! I received there flyer and a saw a sofa set they claimed to be leather so went to check it out, i should have been warned when a lady was yelling in store about her bed came all broken and no one was helping her. But stupid me went ahead and bought the set paid them a $1000 cash as they would not take any other form of payment another warning sign ! didn't listen to that one either..any how bought it they said would have it delivered by the weekend, no one called so i called and they said that i am not on the schedule. I told the lady when i paid they guy who i bought it from said it would be delivered on saturday..she was really rude and said i could have it deliverd on Tuesday thats the day she had available, it didn't matter what i was trying to say to her. any way i said tues i'll be home after 5 so i was set up between 6-9 guess what no one showed up no one i'm getting a little nervous i paid them all the money and i have no sofa. I call them first thing in the morning to ask what happened to my delivery the same rude girl answered and said that their truck broke down, well it would be nice if somebody called and told me that. She reschedules the delivery for Thursday 6-9, i told her it better be there or otherwise i'll be at the store 10:00am sharp to get my money. the rude girl tells me i will not get the money that all sales are final and there are no i'm really getting upset thinking what did i get myself into and not buy from reputable store and not have to hear this kind of bs. anyways around 8:00pm i get call from guy who can't speak much english and tells me he can't make the delivery he is stuck out of town but he promised he will be here tomorrow after 6..what am i going to do i take his word for it..i am so frustred i didn';t even want to call the rude girl any more. i wait the next day finally the guys shows up with the sofa set and just leaves it at the front door wants me to sign so he can take off, so i ask who is going to open this and put it in my family room he tells me he just delivers he doesn't set up or unpacks anything. I just want to sit on my new sofa so i start to unpack this sofa set i had to put all the backs on and they were really heavy for me to set up and move to the family room..finally i get to the last piece and its damaged, i put it back in the package so i can call them to have it exchanged. so i have to call this rude girl again..i tell her of the problem with one of the pieces and they can have it exchanged as it badly torn and unusable..she tells me no there are no exchange all sale are guess what i have to live with damaged piece of garbage. Well i learned my lesson the hard way this is why i am posting this hoping other people will learn from mistake ! There is reason why their prices are low they sell refurbished furniture !

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