

I had a long distan?e m?ve fr?m Stoney Creek with Care free Moving th?t went ver? w?ll. The m?vers that c?me to m? h?me to ?ack my things wer? very ?rofessional and to?k great car? t? wrap my bel?ngings. The? packed m? things in ? timely m?nner with gre?t attenti?n to det?il whil? t?king inventor? on ever?thing they l?aded on the tru?k. Kevin ?nd his crew deliv?red my bel?ngings. Kevin was v?ry considerate ?nd well-organiz?d. The? did a Great j?b in h?ndling m? things up a n?rrow stairc?se. At the ?nd of the d?y, all it?ms wer? ?ccounted for. ?ats off t? the cr?w for d?ing such ? great j?b!!! It w?s th? best m?ving experien?e I h?ve h?d!

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Company Response

Glad to hear that you are happy and pleased, Carrie. So do we! It was our great pleasure to help you. All the best, dear!
Sincerely. Nancy Lorak. Customer Service.