

I m?ved fr?m ? house sh?r?d with m? m?m to my ?wn pla?e. I h?d things pa?ked and re?dy by th? d?or with ever?thing ?repped, in?luding th? mattr?sses t?ken d?wn. It wasn't ? l?t ?f stuff. The m?ve w?s ?bout 4 miles in distan?e. I help?d a little t? kee? the tim? und?r 2 h?urs. The? finish?d 15 minut?s bef?rehand and with?ut dam?ges. I'd definitel? re?ommend th?m to ? friend, ?nd I ?ctually h?ve alread? recommend?d th?m to ? friend wh? used th?m for h?r m?ve.

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