

Buyers beware, stay FAR FAR away from this company. They are misleading. We purchased beige leather couches less than a year ago, and purchased their warranty because we were sold on the fact that ALL stains and rips would be covered. My 4 year old daughter left a small piece of slime on the couch, that left a stain that will not go away. To our surprise, they are not covering it under warranty, since it's not "specified" to be included in their list. We would have never purchased these couches to begin with, and were hesitant to do so but the sales rep sold us that ALL stains and tears being covered, that we had nothing to worry about and we would have complete peace of mind which is dissappointing to say the least. They are offering as a goodwill gesture to send us a cleaning kit that we already have that didn't work, which is a complete slap in the face. They are also trying to say this is not their responsibility, and to deal with the third part warranty company rather than them. For the record, this is the only bad review I have ever written. Being a business owner myself, I always give people and businesses the benefit of doubt. I should note that the warranty company ignored my warranty requests for a month and a half. Shop elsewhere and save yourself the complete disappointment. Trust and holding to your word goes a long way, but definitely not with this company.

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