

STAY AWAY, this Company is a disaster. Gets you to sign a contract before work starts, then needs a deposit before work starts, then needs 2nd deposit for materials, 3 guys show up in a Uber cab with no tools to do the excavation, then needs more money before concrete is poured, he now has 3 out of the 4 deposits and little or no work done. Then comes every excuse in the book why he cant do the pour, might rain, cant get the pump, cant get colour, your too far away, cant get help, etc, etc. Meanwhile he has your money. End of contract date came and we hired another concrete company, they had the job finished in 3 days after contact. The form work and the gravel work were all wrong. Sidewalk was supposed to be 66 wide form was only 62 patio was to be 144 wide he made it 140 wide. The gravel was supposed to be compacted at 5.5 for the concrete, some of it was 4 other was 8 1/2 We paid for concrete and colouring + tax and never got either on from him. He will not return a partial amount of our money as requested. STAY AWAY-STAY AWAY

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Company Response

Hi Jack, great to hear from you for the sixth time today.

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to personally address the concerns you raised regarding the payment and the services provided. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us, and we want to ensure that we address any misunderstandings as we have tried to do multiple times over multiple occasions throughout the past several weeks.

We understand that there may have been some confusion about the pre-pour payment. As we have discussed multiple times, we are more than willing to refund the amount owed to you. However, it's important to note that, like any professional service, we cannot work for free. The payment for the services rendered is separate from the pre-pour payment.

I want to take a moment to highlight the efforts we have made to go above and beyond our initial agreement. We took the initiative to excavate your pathway, place gravel, compact it meticulously, create formwork, and even deliver welded wire mesh. These additional steps were taken to ensure the longevity and quality of your project. We genuinely care about the work we do and strive to exceed expectations. I do not believe there are any issues with the completed work that we have done. You had no issues with it until now, because you aren't getting your way which I can't speak too. My mother raised me to be a stronger person and I don't agree with slander and disinformation.

Regarding the booking deposit, I understand that it may not have been explicitly communicated why it is required. We apologize for any confusion caused. Our company is currently experiencing an overwhelming demand for our services, and the booking deposit allows us to prioritize your project and allocate the necessary resources to deliver the best results for you. It's our way of ensuring that we can dedicate our full attention to your project amidst our busy schedule.

I also want to address the color selection issue. We provided you with a range of colors to choose from and gave you ample time to make a decision. However, we understand that sometimes projects can evolve and circumstances change. If you felt rushed or faced unforeseen challenges, we sincerely apologize. Our intention was always to accommodate your preferences and create a space that reflects your vision. It is unfortunate that you went back and forth.. and back and forth.... and back and forth several times just to select a colour all while missing the deadlines we had set for this contract and project. It is really unfortunate that you are now trying to place this blame on a small company because you didn't get your colour within the one day after you ordered it (absolutely insane timeline when color can take up to 8 days and typically comes for the United States)

We genuinely empathize with any concerns or issues that have recently surfaced. We are here to listen and find a resolution that meets your expectations. We firmly believe in open communication and collaboration to address any problems that may arise. Our ultimate goal is to ensure your satisfaction and deliver a project that exceeds your expectations.

Once again, thank you for bringing these matters to our attention. We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards a solution together. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time if you actually want to find a reasonable solution without whining on the internet and creating false claims about our business.

Warmest regards,
Geneva Concrete and Epoxy
Joel Owner