We have no records of this job in our database. Futhermore, we did not receive any telephone or email correspondence with relation to this customer's displeasure.
We take customer complaints VERY seriously, and go to the ends of the earth to esnure that our customers are happy. In fact, we even guarantee our work, so if we make a drain, sewege or plumbing repair and there is continued issues with it after we leave, we will return and ensure that the problem is dealt with.
Dealing with anonymous people is never easy, that's why we encourage our customers to contact us.
We don't hide behind generic contact information. We offer all of our contact information up front, and the NAMES of the people that will handle your customer complaints.
If you would like to contact us, feel free to do so at:
Drain Rescue
ATTN: Dawn Vale
T: 416-480-0000
E: info@drainrescue.com