UPDATE: Given all the red flags with the "triple mix" and with Van Beek's not willing to be upfront with us, we decided to get the soil tested at an accredited lab. The result is horrifying: Arsenic at 569% of the allowable limit in Ontario for agriculture, Cadmium at 212%, Lead at 296% and Tin at 17480% of the Canadian CCME agricultural guideline.
ORIGINAL REVIEW: We purchased 12 cubic yards of what was supposed to be top-quality triple mix from Tim, the owner of Van Beek's. We were assured the soil would be ideal for our organic vegetable garden. Tim claimed:
- Triple mix is screened with a 1/2" screen to ensure fine soil quality
- 30% locally sourced soil from Mississauga. He wouldn't say specifically from where but assured us that they test their soil for heavy metals since the City of Mississauga is their largest customer and they are required to do extensive testing for the City
- Balance of the triple mix is from composted horse manure and peat loam
- He would send us a copy of the soil analysis since we had heard horror stories in the past about bad soil
In reality:
- There were large boulders of soil, some even over a foot in diameter. We had to spend many back-breaking hours breaking up all the larger pieces
- There were chunks of wood, the largest being about a foot long (no way this made it through a 1/2" screen)
- The soil contained a concerning amount of shredded plastic bits and plastic twine
- There was a significant amount of gravel with some rocks as large as 2" in diameter
- There was a clump of long, black hair larger than a fist (!)
Just prior to the delivery, Tim claimed he couldn't find the soil analysis and we made the mistake of going ahead with the delivery based on his assurances that they've been in business for so many years and would never do anything to harm their reputation. It also helped convince us that he talked a good talk about the quality of the soil.
After seeing the soil, we decided we needed to see this soil analysis for some peace of mind. I called four times. Coincidentally, I could never again get a hold of Tim. The folks that picked up the first three times (Frank, Phil and then Elena) each time promised to send or have someone email the soil analysis "soon" or, in the case of Elena, a few days later because they were too busy to deal with me. They never did. On the fourth call, Frank suddenly changed his tune and claimed he couldn't send it because it was "proprietary information." I had to pay $600 if I wanted it.
In desperation, I reached out to the appropriate department at the City of Mississauga as per the guidelines in the Municipal Freedom and Information and Protection of Privacy Act and was told they had no knowledge of such a soil analysis and they in fact had not done business with Van Beek's for a while.
I now have to get my soil tested by an independent lab to make sure the "triple-mix" that Van Beek's sold me is not contaminating my vegetables and harming my family.