The crew came on time, quickly set up with ladders, tarps round the house & plywood over windows while 2 on roof started removing old shingles. Soon they were all up there removing, installing underlay while others putting don shingles. They were organized, coordinated & quick. The job was done beautifully, properly, without bother to me working at home & neighbours on either side. Once finished, they did it all in revers; cleaned up, swept up, put all the equipment back in the truck, did one last go around to see if they missed anything & left. As I walked around my house, other than having a new roof, it was like elves had come, did something & left without leaving a footprint. I may have to re-read that fairy-tale about the elves coming at night to the cobblers shop & in the morning when he woke, there were new shoes in his shop. I think I met those elves. I am very happy with the job. Mario