

They are so disorganized as no one communicates between the marketing and office for 2 plus year that I've sent emails and they still today are calling about a bill that I had never approved and on top met the owner in 2015 and still . You would think that someone in the office would get this fixed. It's not about a little $200. The chain in command doesn't . By the way I've worked with Weed Man in Canada when it started and today I know Roger the main owner of all the franchises in Canada and in the states and I know that they are way better organized then this..

Approximate cost of services:
What could this company do to improve their services?
Any advice to offer fellow homeowners facing a similar project?
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Company Response

Hi Michel, I'm sorry to hear that your experience was negative. My name is Lee Ratcliffe and I'm an owner and family member of our family business. I have spoken to my brother in our sales and marketing team to why the disconnect. Thanks for sharing your concern as he can now see where the breakdown occurred and we can prevent this from happening in the future.

I know Roger, Chris and Jenn from weed man as well. We have worked closely in the past researching new products. They are a great company. I will give you a call tomorrow to discuss your account.