MeinHaus Online General Contractor

Formerly Rax Contracting and Artisan Trades Company
Kitchen & Bathroom - Cabinets & Design
Mississauga ON L5M 2L7
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SHIVA in Toronto
SHIVA in Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON


Constructing a drywall seems simple, yet many things can go wrong. I needed to put up a drywall in my condo on short notice, and Erik was very accommodating even during the busy summer season. Condominiums' building managers are notoriously troublesome when it comes to doing any sort of work. Erik's team member Dan managed to do a great job in a short time frame even with the building security and manager breathing down our necks.

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Company Response

Hey Shiva
Thanks again for working with us on your project. I'm glad you were satisfied with all of Dans workmanship and we look forward to doing business together again in the future.

Best regards