Urals Moving Company

Moving & Storage
Toronto ON M2J
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Esmé in Old Toronto
Esmé in Old Toronto
1 review Toronto, ON

These are the guys you want to hire.

I couldn’t have asked for better service. On really short notice, Urals helped me pack up my insanely disorganized apartment and moved it over to the new space with so much care. They brought everything you could imagine to make a move easy, including wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes and unlimited amounts of padded blankets and packing tape, all at no extra cost, as well as dissembled and reassembled my bedframe as part of the hourly rate, again at no added cost. You really won’t find a better rate, particularly for the quality of service they provide. They were mindful and protective of my belongings as though they were their own. These guys were considerate, punctual, patient, and polite throughout the entire duration of the job which was many long hours of labour - literally an all day move. I’m so grateful for how helpful they were to me during such a stressful time. A real gem of a company.

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Company Response

Thank you so much Esmé for your incredible review! Customer satisfaction will always be our main priority. Even though it takes a whole day, but we are trying to make it as stress free as possible for our client. We are really appreciate your feedback and hope you are enjoying your new place!

Urals Moving Company team