Tron Electrical & Lighting Automation

Toronto ON M2P 1H7
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HomeStars  >  Electricians in Mississauga  >  Tron Electrical & Lighting Automation  >  Great work, fair price, and faster than expected
Private User
Private User
Private User reviews Toronto, ON

Great work, fair price, and faster than expected

I had a fuse panel that was original to the house (1962) and it needed to be replaced.

I called Tron and they came the next day to have a look and give me a quote. They explained everything clearly and the quote was fair so I went ahead with it.

Toronto Hydro dictates when a hookup can be done so Tron estimated a date about a month or so from the quote. Fortunately they were able to do it nearly 3 weeks earlier than expected.

They did great work for a fair price and did it faster than expect. I would definitely recommend Tron.

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Company Response

Greatly appreciated, look forward to dealing with you again
Thank you

Ralph Greco

Client Support

Tron Electric

cell 647 545-8766

Office 905-856-8766

Fax 905-856-3884