RoadRunners Moving & Storage

Moving & Storage
Scarborough ON M1P 3E3
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thumbsideways in Scarborough
thumbsideways in Scarborough
1 review Toronto, ON

Condo move

I wanted to take a minute out of my day to congratulate this company for doing such an immaculate job. I had quite a large 3 bedroom condo in mid town Toronto with pretty poor access for movers. Limited parking, one small elevator, a long hallway in between my place and the street, etc. etc. To make things even more difficult, it was a last minute decision to move and I only had a week to prepare.

I contacted Brendon and we spoke about the move for some time. He sent me an email after we spoke that covered all my questions. I was really impressed with him right off the bat and felt comfortable hiring this company.

The following week he and his crew arrived. 6 men in total. They were really unbelievable. Packing and wrapping everything for me and quickly. I really felt at absolute ease despite moving being a somewhat stressful time.

The day lasted 8 hours. Everything I owned was in my new home in one piece. I cannot express enough how impressive this move was.

Thank you Brendon and the rest of the crew. I will most definitely be recommending you guys in the future.

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Company Response

Hi Thumbsideways,

Thanks very much for the review. It was our absolute pleasure. Look forward to moving you in the future.

All the best,

RoadRunners crew