RoadRunners Moving & Storage

Moving & Storage
Scarborough ON M1P 3E3
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Justin from Windsor
Justin from Windsor
1 review Windsor, ON

Excellent Moving

Assisted Review

An assisted review is collected by a contractor on behalf of the homeowner after their work is completed. The homeowner must confirm the text of the review and may make any changes she or he deems appropriate. The homeowner then assigns the contractor a review score out of 10. Assisted reviews receive the same scrutiny as other reviews and must follow our review guidelines.

Just wanted to send a quick thank you to you guys for handling my move so professionally...given the somewhat "eccentric" nature of my tenants, I was pleased with the way you all handled yourselves. A+ work and see you guys again soon.


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Company Response

Hi Justin,

We really appreciate the kinds words, and strive to do the best we can, on every move. See you next time.
All the best,
RoadRunners crew