RoadRunners Moving & Storage

Moving & Storage
Scarborough ON M1P 3E3
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Write a Review

Gail from Ajax
Gail from Ajax
1 review Ajax, ON

Move from Home to Storage

I called this company last minute (3 days prior) to move me and they were able to fit me in their schedule. The arrived on time & with their equipment & tools ready to go. I just stayed out of their way & let them do their job. Which they did with no complaints. There were very pleasant and I would most definitely recommend them to others. I actually already gave them a referal.

Approximate cost of services:
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Company Response

Hi Gail,

I was our absolute pleasure. Thanks double for the referral.
All the best,
RoadRunners crew

Previous versions of this review:

Gail from Ajax
Gail from Ajax
1 review Ajax, ON

Move from Home to Storage

I called this company last minute (3 days prior) to move me and they were able to fit me in their schedule. The arrived on time & with their equipment & tools ready to go. I just stayed out of their way & let them do their job. Which they did with no complaints. There were very pleasant and I would most definitely recommend them to others. I actually already gave them a referal.

Approximate cost of services: