RoadRunners Moving & Storage

Moving & Storage
Scarborough ON M1P 3E3
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2 reviews Milton, ON

Moving from town home to semi

A little late in writing this review, as we moved on Oct. 18 but the move done by Brendon & his team was excellent and within the price quoted.
As they were running late in the morning they called to advise about it The move was done very efficiently and without any damages. We were very apprehensive & little stressed as to how the move would be (had heard a lot of horror stories), but once Brendon & his team started the move we were assured that we have selected the right movers. I always recommend them whenever we hear that our friends & family are planning a move. By selecting this Co. to do your move you could not go wrong.
Thanks a lot Brendon !.

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Thanks very much for the positive words, and also for the referrals. It's much appreciated.
All the best,
RoadRunners crew