XYZ Storage

Formerly All Canadian Self Storage
Self Storage
Toronto ON M4M 1B7
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HomeStars  >  Self Storage in Toronto  >  XYZ Storage  >  I had to pick up the U-haul truck at another location
1 review Toronto, ON

I had to pick up the U-haul truck at another location

The Danforth location was very disorganized, office a mess, dirty, worker in a bad mood , safety hazards , truck rental had security bars broken in the truck.
The 1 Laird is beautifully organized well-staffed, helpful , clean & user friendly. Danforth doesn't look like the same company - franchise.

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Company Response

Good Afternoon Michele,

Thank you for taking the time to review our services! I am thrilled we were able to help you with your U-Haul needs!

Thank you for your business!
All Canadian Self-storage